... on starting over!
After nearly five years of blogging on Wordpress I have switched to Squarespace.
This has been a pretty scary move as it means I will leave behind a good chunk of the writings on my www.rilzy.wordpress.com site choosing only to import a few treasured short stories and blog posts to this site. Initially, I contemplated painstakingly recreating or rather moving all my old posts over to this site but it felt reminiscent of holding on to a relationship long after your partner has released your heart.
As scary as it is, though, it is very necessary.
For quite a while I've noted that my old blog was not allowing me to do what I wanted to do... what I needed to do with it but I thought that I'd already invested so much into it, I already had such a wide body of work so it would be dumb to move. But I wasn't inspired.
Life has taught me time and time again then it is never too late it the came to start over so here I am... fears in my hand and hope in my heart.
Welcome to my journey!